TikTok has been a popular platform for many, but recent discussions about a potential ban have sparked debates. Some people believe TikTok poses a national security risk because it is owned by a Chinese company, while others think the ban may have other motives. Imagine you are sharing your thoughts on this issue.
In your response, address the following:
- How do you feel about the idea of TikTok being banned? Do you agree or disagree with it? Why?
- Do you think China poses a national security risk? Why or why not?
- If you found out that companies like Facebook or Instagram were lobbying for the ban to eliminate competition, how would that influence your opinion of those platforms? Would it make you less likely to use them?
Support your opinion with reasons, examples, or facts. Be sure to explain your thoughts clearly and organize your response with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
8 Responses
I disagree with the TikTok ban because it limits free speech and creativity, harms social connections and learning, and feels like government overreach. Additionally, privacy concerns exist on other platforms too, not just TikTok. A ban could negatively impact creators and small businesses, and banning apps may not solve the root issues. Finally, it goes against the idea of global digital connectivity and openness. If that app goes I go
¿Qué opinas sobre la idea de prohibir TikTok? Pues yo no quiero que la quiten es una app donde puedes ganar dinero y muchos lo toman como trabajo. ¿Estás de acuerdo o en desacuerdo? Completamente en desacuerdo. ¿Por qué? Por que no todos queremos que la quiten y ademas con TikTok TE puede s volver famosa/o.
¿Crees que China representa un riesgo para la seguridad nacional? Un Poco si ¿Por qué? Porque no a todos les gusta. ¿Por qué? Por que El contenido que tienen aveces es aburrido. ¿cómo influiría eso en tu opinión sobre esas plataformas? En Este tipo de plataformas tambien puedes hablar con amigos. ¿Reducirías la probabilidad de que las usaras? No, porque ya la uso y es muy divertida.
TikTok is getting banned due to the government speculating the owner using data to spy on Americans. I disagree with the ban mainly because it is unlikely that ByteDance can use this to spy on Americans.
China might be a threat to the security of Americans, but I doubt that the Chinese government would use data from a dancing app to find out things about Americans. TikTok usually makes you enter your birthday, with an acceptable email or viable sign-in option. They do not ask for your name, or where you live.
If Facebook or Instagram were supporting the ban I would be disappointed. these apps have been around for a while, so there is not much of a point in removing competition when these companies are both owned by Mark Zuckerberg, one of the richest people in the world. I would reduce the time I spend on these apps (which is already low) and try to drift away from them as much as I can. This is my opinion on the TikTok ban.
I think that its not a good idea to ban TikTok because that’s where people can get in touch and also since alot of people use TikTok they can put news on Tikok so the people can see.
I don’t think that people poses a national security risk because theres too much people to watch over and also people on Tiktok fake their age and name most of the time because there not old enough.
I would spend more time on them because when they ban it and I would already know.
I disagree with tiktok getting banned because I love tiktok and it is very very useful while using the restroom. I do think china is at a security risk because some people copy what others do on videos they see online. If I found out people were getting rid of competition I would just watch Instagram because idc.
.1.What do you think of the idea of banning TikTok? Do you agree or disagree? Why?..why maybe they wouldn’t want me to delete the tik tok?
2. Do you think China represents a risk to national security? Because? Because? China is seen by some nations, especially the United States and its allies, as an actor they must deal with.
3. If you found out that companies like Facebook or Instagram were pushing to ban their use in order to eliminate competition, how would that influence your opinion of those platforms? Would you reduce the probability of using them?
I disagree with the idea of banning TikTok because whenever I’m bored I go on TikTok to see funny videos and I can also message my friends on that app too. I think China is safe because there’s a lot of marines around and intelligence agencies that aim to ensure China’s national security. I would still be on Instagram because if the ban goes through I can watch reels on it instead of being on TikTok.
I Feel sad cause Tik tok is going to get banned on January 19. And I disagree cause what did tik tok do to be getting banned and I don’t really care about the security. And I disagree with it being banned cause it helps relieve stress and is entertaining. I also think china dose poses a national security risk because they are also trying to get tik tok banned. because china is a sketchy place and they don’t like the USA and some governments are a part of the ban. And also if I found out that other companies like insta or twit are trying to get tik tok banned I should be wondering why do they want tik tok being banned I thing its because they want more viewers on their plat from cause tik tok is more popular then insta and twit. and if tik tok gets banned I’m going to utube shorts cause utube shorts amuse me more than TikTok ok sometimes and satisfies me.