
Who’s Your Role Model? Reflecting on Personal Role Models

We invite you to reflect on the person you look up to the most. Who is your personal role model, and why do they inspire you? 

Reflecting on Personal Role Models: Your Task

In the comments section, respond to the blog post prompt by reflecting on personal role models. Make sure to write a thoughtful response that fully answers the question: “Who do you look up to the most and why?” Your response should be at least three sentences long and include details or examples to clearly explain your ideas. Once you’ve posted your comment, read through your classmates’ responses and reply to at least three of them. When replying, focus on adding to the conversation, agreeing or disagreeing respectfully, and making connections to your own thoughts about personal role models.

Comment Guidelines:

  • Write a meaningful response that fully answers the blog post prompt.
  • Include details or examples to explain your ideas clearly.
  • Read and reply to at least three classmates’ comments. Use the sentence frames below to guide your responses.

Sentence Frames for Replying:


  • “I agree with ________ because…”
  • “I like what ________ said because…”
  • “I agree with ________, but on the other hand…”


  • “I disagree with ________ because…”
  • “I’m not sure I agree with ________ because…”

Making Connections:

  • “This reminds me of ________ because…”
  • “This is relevant to my life because…”


  • “The basic idea here is…”
  • “In summary, this says that…”

Adding to the Discussion:

  • “I want to add to what ________ said…”
  • “To expand on what ________ said…”

Remember, replying to at least three classmates is part of completing this activity!

Explore more of our blog for creative writing prompts and challenges. Check out our Amazon wish list if you’d like to donate to Mr. Alexander’s class!

40 Responses

  1. My role model is my mom, shes the reason I do everything for her and why I’m smart. Shes the reason why I have a good attitude and a kind heart. I wanna be like my mom, hardworking, never gives up.

  2. My role model is my mom because shes always there for me and I always tell her stuff and she understands also I love her so much.

  3. I look up to is my moms brother so my uncle. He is my role model I look up to him. and I want to do what he did except some but I look up to him a lot.

  4. My role model is D’aydrian harding. And the reason he is my model is because, he’s funny, creative, and always doing something. That is one reason but he has many more that I want. But the reason he is my role model is because I want to be just like him, and their is many more.

  5. I look up to my brothers girlfriend because she is good at soccer and she is really pretty and her room is really decorated.

  6. My role model is CR7 Why he is my role model is because I want to play soccer like him. I want to be a great soccer player one of the best. I love playing soccer I play on a team right now soccer is so fun for me. That is why CR7 is my role model.

  7. II look up to my friends because I like talking to them and each one has I special talent. I like talking to them they have time for me they lisen to me and there are good to me.there are very smart and they silent wen I need to talk to them.

  8. I look up to my mom because she does everything for me, and she is always there for me. And she is always helping me with stuff.

  9. My role model is Angelah because she is a good person and gets her things done and she teaches me how to be a better person and helps me out a lot. And shes a chill and calm person who really focuses on herself while focusing on others, Shes also well behaved and very clean. Angelah is always there for others and she gives it her all to be there for you so that’s why Angelah is my role model because she helps me get better.

  10. I look up to Jenny Rivera because she was a pretty and wonderful woman. I look up to her because she was a strong and independent woman and one of the best Mexican artists. One of my dream where to go see her life perform but until 2012 her plane crash while she was going to one of her concerts.

  11. My role model is my mother, she is good and hard-working like all mothers, her good heart makes her something to follow because she has intelligence.

  12. My role model is my older bother he is 24 has a good job and has a house. My older bother is my role model because he is able to provide for his girlfriend and son. Another reason why my bother is my role model because he is nice and he make sure that the people around him are happy and thats why my older bother is my role model because he always has a simle on his face.

  13. My role on model is Mr. Alexander because he is a great teacher. Not just that he shows people why we are at school and why we have to act right. I look up to Mr. Alexander because he is a chill person and gets mad only when people don’t listen.

  14. My role model is my sister Honey she is super smart and independent. She is the most successful and sweetest person I know and love so much, Honey owns a business of her own ! I love supporting her and she loves supporting me as well I can always count on her. I will always be here for her and believe In her no matter what she’s always helped become a great and caring person and she’s always motivating me, everytime I do something good I always think of her and how proud she’d be. I have so much more to say about her but for now that’s all I got to say, she is the person I look up to.

  15. Someone I look up to is my father. My father always sets a great example for me. He works hard, does his responsibilities, and always cares for his son.

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