
What’s Your Favorite Holiday?

What’s your favorite holiday and why? 

Think About Your Favorite Holiday
Take a moment to think about the holiday you enjoy the most. It could be a popular holiday like Christmas, Thanksgiving, or something more personal to your family or culture.

Write About Why It’s Your Favorite
In the comments section, write a few sentences about why this holiday is special to you. Think about how it makes you feel, who you celebrate with, and what makes it stand out from other holidays.

Describe Your Traditions
Share the traditions that you and your family or friends enjoy during this holiday. Whether it’s a special meal, activity, or something unique that your family does, let us know what makes the holiday fun or meaningful for you.

Be Descriptive
Use descriptive words to help us imagine your favorite holiday. The more details you include, the easier it will be for others to picture your celebration.

Post Your Comment
Once you’re happy with your response, post it in the comments. Feel free to read other classmates’ comments and see what traditions they enjoy!

38 Responses

  1. My favorite holiday would be Halloween because its just so fun going out at night with family or friends and trick or treating get free candy. Then you get back home and enjoy the candy and get comfortable while watching something on TV.

  2. My favorite holiday is Christmas because you spend lots of time with your family, Make good memories, And lastly you get gifts. Another reason I love Christmas is because my elf on the shelf “Moves” to different spots. Lastly I love the gingerbread house.

  3. My favorite holiday is Christmas because of its meaning and the food we share. Each Christmas, we gather our family and spend time together, eating tamales or pozole. Christmas marks the birth of Jesus Christ.

  4. My favorite holiday is Christmas because you get to get presents and cookies and just a fun time with your family. For me my birthday is 3 days before Christmas, my birthday is on the 22 of December. Another reason why I like Christmas is cause you get to decorate the inside of your house and the outside, you can see a lot of houses decorated and see how cool and colorful it is.

  5. My favorite holiday is Christmas because you get presents and you get to spend time with your family and cookies and more but that is my favorite holiday.

  6. My favorite holiday is hollowen because you can dress up in a coustom or dress up in a coustom to win a contest hollowen and that why hollowen is my favorite.

  7. My favorite holiday is Christmas because I get gifts and sometimes I even get to pick what I get. Sometimes my Padrino takes me to the Outlets or Mall and buys me stuff. Me and my dads side of the family always do games, or Secret Santa so we don’t get bored and get sleepy.
    My moms side of the family is the chill side and we just talk and listen to music. I LOVE CHRISTMAS.

  8. My favorite holiday is halloween because it’s in fall which is the best season to be in and we get to dress up in costumes also you could be all cozy in this time you could finally wear sweatpants and sweaters. You could also drink pumpkin spice drinks cold or hot also love watching scary movies and lastly going trick or treating with your family or friends getting free candy then after eat the candy then watch a scary movie.

  9. My favorite is Halloween because it’s so dark and fun you get to dress up as your favorite character or whatever you like. At night you can go out and go knocking on doors for candy which is trick-or-treating. Or you could stay at home and give out candy, there’s other activities like craving pumpkins or watching horror movies.

  10. My favorite holiday is Halloween because I love the calming weather and all the decorations and all of the things you can do on Halloween. Trick or treating with friends or family is also fun and memorable and you also get to enjoy some candy. Also because I love horror movies and a lot of scary movies are made during Halloween or some get released on Halloween and you can watch them with friends and family.

  11. My favorite holiday is Christmas because we are enjoying Christmas together with the family and also when it is a party where the posada’s are celebrated. It is beautiful when we are with the family or also when it is a festival at the carnival school or it is also beautiful to be with the family and play family board games.

  12. My favorite holiday is Christmas because it’s a chill holiday where you can relax. I always buy my parents and my siblings gifts and my siblings buy me gifts also my parents give me gifts. I usually can’t find out what to get them but then I just ask what they want and just get them that. Or I just take them out to eat mostly take them out to eat.

  13. My favorite holiday is Christmas because I get to spend a lot more time with my family. My favorite thing to do what I wake up on Christmas morning is make cookies with my parents and brothers. And then towards the night I like opening my gifts and spending time with my family.

  14. Christmas Day. Because on that day we all get together as a family, we play and share time as a family, the most important thing is that we eat everything as a family. It makes me feel good because at least we spend some time as a family, which is Christmas, we celebrate it with my uncles and aunts, my grandmother, mom, dad, nephews, sisters and cousins, it is very common that we are at home celebrating, we play and laugh all the time and in the end, on December 25, we open presents as a family.

  15. My favorite holiday is Halloween because my birthday is the day before so I get to have two great fun days. The reason I love Halloween is because it’s scary and my family loves scary things. My favorite thing about Halloween is that I get to go around the neighborhood and go around with some of my friends. The tradition we have is that I go out for a while and get so much candy and when we are done and some kids go to my house and then I can give away some of my candy so I don’t leave little kids with no candy.

  16. My favorite holiday is Christmas because it’s a chill holiday where you can relax. I always buy my parents and my siblings gifts and my siblings buy me gifts also my parents buy me gifts. I usually can’t find out what to get them but then I just ask what they want and just get them that. Or I just take them out to eat it’s usually my parents I take out to eat.

  17. My favorite holiday is Christmas because it is a time where you can spend time with your family, making cookies ,watch movies and also playing games It’s just enjoying the moment with the people you love.

  18. My favorite holiday is Christmas because you get to hang out with family and friends and get gifts, make Christmas cookies with your family and can play fun games and also before Christmas you can go Christmas shopping to put up the tree and can decorate it and decorate your front yard and with lights and different things.

  19. My two favorite holidays are Halloween and Christmas. I love both holidays because on Christmas I get to be with my family and I love Halloween because I like to be dressed up looking scary for the day without it being weird. I always feel happy on these holidays because I get to be with my friends or my family. I’ll forever adore these holidays because it brings out the best in me and I always get excited when these months come around.

  20. My Favorite holiday is hallow en because you can trick or treat and get as much candy as you want or maybe get not to much candy and when get home enjoy candy and see if it does not have holes in it and have drugs in it.

  21. My favorite holiday is critmas cause I get a lot of nice things and I get to see some of my cousins and in see my grandpa and my grandma and like decorating the tree with my family and just having a good time

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