While cleaning the attic, I found an old lamp. When I rubbed it, a genie appeared and offered me three wishes. Use the following words to continue the story: lamp, genie, wishes, magic, surprise, adventure, challenge, decision, secret, wonder.

While cleaning the attic, I found an old lamp. When I rubbed it, a genie appeared and offered me three wishes. Use the following words to continue the story: lamp, genie, wishes, magic, surprise, adventure, challenge, decision, secret, wonder.
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17 Responses
While cleaning the attic, I found an old lamp. When I rubbed it, a genie appeared and offered me three wishes. My first wish was Infinite money of course. My Second wish was a Gaming house that has 7 bedrooms to share with Friends. Second was to meet every single YouTuber in the world.
While cleaning the attic, I found an old lamp. When I rubbed it, a genie appeared and offered me three wishes. This decision was difficult, so I ensured my wishes were worth it. First, I asked the genie for world peace. It was a surprise when the genie snapped their fingers and said it was done. Next, I wished to know the evil secrets of big corporations. The genie worked its magic and gave me the knowledge of rich people. Next I wanted any evil world leaders would be forced to adventure through a dangerous maze with slim chances of survival. Those are my three wishes.
While cleaning the attic, I found an old lamp. When I rubbed it, a genie appeared and offered me three wishes. me looking surprise I repeat three wishes he said the decision we have has to be secret i say ok but i wonder why it has to be a secret so i tell the genie to go back in the lamp because we are going on a adventure but the genie said i could just wish there but then there would no challenge.
While cleaning the attic, I found an old lamp. When I rubbed it, a genie appeared and offered me three wishes. I didn’t know magic was an actual thing, the genie caught me by surprise! I couldn’t make up my decision what to wish for, so I said “I wish for 1 million dollars” he said “You’re wish may come true.” All of a sudden I have 1 million in my own hands! Wow I didn’t know I would actually get it, this genie is really a wonder.
While cleaning the attic, I found an old lamp. When I rubbed it, a genie appeared and offered me three wishes. I ALWAYS wanted to find a genie in a lamp. It gave me three wishes, 1. I wish to get my phone back and never get it took away again, 2. For me to get a new phone, 3.to get my ipad,the one that I wanted. I ALWAYS wanted to see magic and it really surprised me. I look in the attic a lot more its MY decision anyways. there is a lot of secrets up in the attic and i wonder if there is any more cool stuff up in my attic.
While cleaning the attic, I found an old lamp. When I rubbed it, a genie appeared and offered me three wishes. I was so surprised, I thought that wishes and genies were fake. I wonder how the genie even got there. But I had to stop overthinking I have to make my 3 wishes. I wanted to know how the genie got in there. That is my first wish. I wish that me and all of my friends are going to be rich together. And for my last wish I asked if I can think about it. I had to make my decision soon because he said “I only have 24 hours out of my lamp.” I had so many ideas but I just don’t know if its worth it.
While cleaning the attic, I found an old lamp. When I rubbed it, a genie appeared and offered me three wishes my first wish was to have a good company second wish was to have a house a big house and third was to be a trillaner after all my wishes I had a big company and a good life.
As the dusty old lamp gleamed under the attic light, the genie materialized in a swirl of shimmering magic. “Three wishes are yours to command,” the genie announced with a grand flourish, his eyes twinkling with a hint of mischief.
The surprise of having a genie in my attic quickly turned into wonder as I realized the weight of the decision before me. What could I possibly wish for that would be worth the challenge of choosing wisely?.
While cleaning the attic, I found an old lamp. When I rubbed it, a genie appeared and offered me three wishes. The genie offered me “Give alot of money to your family” Or ”Get the money for yourself ” Or ” get free food forever” I picked get the money for yourself because then i could surprise my family with some money i got also i could buy a lot of food with that money i got so that’s why i chose my decision wisely it was so magical seeing a real genie! but it was also challenging picking my wish.
Mientras limpiaba el ático, encontré una lámpara vieja. Cuando la froté, apareció un genio y me ofreció tres deseos. lo que me encontre era maravilla que entre era una cosa magia era una lanpara bieja era maravillosa El genio meconsedio una’s cosas era como una sorpresa era increible pero puso de safios como ciual quier COSA de que sea tambien abentura pero El genio Creo que tenia UN secretos
While cleaning the attic, I found an old lamp. When I rubbed it, a genie appeared and offered me three wishes. I was surprised because I’ve always wondered if genies were real but now that one is In front of me it felt like my life was complete. I told the genies my three wishes and I told him I would keep it a secret. I had wished to go on multiple fun adventures and I wished for my family’ to be safe at all times and I wished for money. It was a challenging decision to make because I wanted a lot of other things but I went with the wishes that felt right to choose.
Mientras limpiaba el ático, encontré una lámpara vieja. Cuando la froté, apareció un genio y me ofreció tres deseos. lo que me encontre era maravilla que entre era una cosa magia era una lanpara bieja era maravillosa El genio meconsedio una’s cosas era como una sorpresa era increible pero puso de safios como ciual quier COSA de que sea tambien abentura pero El genio Creo que tenia UN secretos .
While cleaning the attic, I found an old lamp. When I rubbed it, a genie appeared and offered me three wishes. I paused and started to panic. Am I dreaming? Is this real?! I pinched my hand thinking I was dreaming. ¨Ouch!¨ I yell. ¨ Okay definitely not a dream.¨ The genie looks at me weird and asks ¨Are you okay do you want to wish for better mental health.¨ I look at him confused but whatever. I stand tall and proud and say ¨ I wish for all bad in this world to become good like cure all diseases and sicknesses all of that.¨ He grants my wish. He says now it’s time for your second wish I go into a deep thought. What else could I possibly want? Oh! I know I wish for everyone to listen to me when I want. He grants my wish. He says now your 3rd. Hmm I wish for everyone in the world to be granted 3 wishes including you. He smiles at me and grants me my wish. He then says ¨ I wish to be free ¨ as he fades away he writes something on a card and hands it to me I read it and it says ¨ You have been granted infinite wishes!¨ I look up and hes gone. All that is left is his lamp.
mientras limpiaba el atico de mi tatara abuela me encontre con una lampara vieja y sucia . decidi frotarla, ya aparecio un genio consediendome tres deseos.Me dijo que con su magia podia hacer cualquier tipo de deceo como hacerme rica , comprarme una mancion , o darme muchas sorpresas etc, mi desicion fue clara y le dije que si, le dije que queria una Aventura en la jungla, me lo concedio fue un desafio extremo, mi Segundo deseo fue que me llevara a la profundidad de los secretos me lo consedio, mi tercer deceo fue una desicion dificil pero le dije que me llevara a una laguna mistica fue una maravilla. al final se despidio y me dijo que su lampara la aventara al mar para que se fura muy lejos, lo acepte y la avente.
While cleaning the attic, I found an old lamp. When I rubbed it, a genie appeared and offered me three wishes. The genie ask me so tell me what are your 3 wishes. I was shocked I couldn’t believe what was going on. In my head I was thinking what do I want. I finally made my decision. First, I told the genie that I wanted 4 baby dogs.Then, I told him that I want a limited red slushies. Lastly for my last one I told him that I wanted 3 new iphones.
While cleaning the attic, I found an old lamp. When I rubbed it, a genie appeared and offered me three wishes. I was speechless I made my first wish and magic started happening it was so cool until My wish came true I wanted to stay home alone with out nothing happening because my mom would never let me stay home alone I actually stayed home alone then I had a challenge with it I had to clean the whole house my mom thought it was a surprise I cleaned but doesn’t know I used magic I was trying to find the lamp and the genie so I can do my next wish this time I wanted to do a challenge I had to make a decision on what to do but I had another challenge to try to hide this lamp from my mom its a secret she thinks gonna think its fake if she finds out shes gonna freak out but I did all my wishes and wonder if my mom thought it was fake and kept this in our attic gotta sneak it back down with out my mom knowing so I went and put it down slowly and my mom called me I was scared but just said lunch was ready this was an awesome day.
While cleaning the attic, I found an old lamp. When I rubbed it, a genie appeared and offered me three wishes. theur he was a genie the lamp was gold and it had magic and I it can grant me 3 wishes I wished in have inff money so I can go to adventure across the world the genie was surprised cause he thought I would wish for super power and I has to rub this thing hard too get the dust off it was a challenge to the genie told me a little secret he said u cnt wish for more wishisn I wonder about what I should get next then I made the decision of granting world peace and the perfect world