
Invent a New Holiday and Describe How It’s Celebrated

In our town, we created a new holiday called ‘Unity Day’ to celebrate community and togetherness. Every year, we held a grand festival filled with unique traditions and joyful activities. It quickly became a cherished event for everyone.

Use the following words to continue the story: tradition, festival, customs, joy, celebration, unique, activities, community, excitement, theme.

14 Responses

  1. In our town, we created a new holiday called ‘Unity Day’ to celebrate community and togetherness. Every year, we held a grand festival filled with unique traditions and joyful activities. It quickly became a cherished event for everyone. the theme of the festivals would be a mix of every season: winter, summer, fall, and spring. The celebrations always held excitement, and the activities were unique and enjoyable. The community always meets up at this time of year to get together.

  2. In our town, we created a new holiday called ‘Unity Day’ to celebrate community and togetherness. Every year, we held a grand festival filled with unique traditions and joyful activities. It quickly became a cherished event for everyone. There are fairs too, they have ninja courses, slides, and rides. They have a Ferris wheel too. In our tradition we also go out to eat strawberry’s with chocolate. But, it has to be from somewhere nice, it cant be from somewhere like McDonald’s. After all this tradition is my favorite.

  3. in our town, we created a new holiday called ‘Unity Day’ to celebrate community and togetherness. Every year, we held a grand festival filled with unique traditions and joyful activities. It quickly became a cherished event for everyone. It was a celebration or a festival there would be games rides and a lot of other thing that give you joy and there art activities customs themes were you get to pick what you want to draw and they are all unique in there own way.

  4. In our town, we created a new holiday called ‘Happy Day’ to celebrate community and togetherness. Every year, we held a grand festival filled with unique traditions and joyful activities. It quickly became a cherished event for everyone. There’s always excitement, there’s a lot of games, shows, rides and food. Most of the theme is just happiness, everyone is happy here.

  5. In our town, we created a new holiday called ‘Unity Day’ to celebrate community and togetherness. Every year, we held a grand festival filled with unique traditions and joyful activities. It quickly became a cherished event for everyone. its a big tradition and we have a big festival every day of that week. We have our custom costumes, it brings joy to every one of the people and we never miss a day of celebration the friends that i tell say that we are very unique and i tell them that now its part of out community. There is a lot of activities and excitement.

  6. In our town, we created a new holiday called ‘Unity Day’ to celebrate community and togetherness. Every year, we held a grand festival filled with unique traditions and joyful activities. It quickly became a cherished event for everyone. Then we made another holiday called yay day it was a holiday kind of like christmas but it mattered if you were good we would get presents under the bush once you open it you say yay but first you have to eat yay day pancakes with sprinkles then after you give a present to the person that was kind to you.

  7. In our town, we created a new holiday called ‘ town reunion’ to celebrate community and togetherness. Every year, we held a grand festival filled with unique traditions and joyful activities. Everyone brings a dish from their tradition. We also have a lots of fun activities to do. Some of the activities are soccer and more sports, face painting, and at the end theres a big water fight. We also have a big raffle, and with all the money we raise its going to a school. This holiday happens ever July 3.

  8. In our town, we created a new holiday called ‘Unity Day’ to celebrate community and togetherness. Every year, we held a grand festival filled with unique traditions and joyful activities. It quickly became a cherished event for everyone. everyone can dance, play, eat, sing and play games. Everyone has a good time with their family and friends

  9. In our town, we created a new holiday called ‘Unity Day’ to celebrate community and togetherness. Every year, we held a grand festival filled with unique traditions and joyful activities. It quickly became a cherished event for everyone. In my family we had ours too. We liked to call our custom tradition, different, unique with filled excitement, but our name for the holiday is Zumies day. People that have the same name for their own custom holiday name they would throw a festival for the people in the community that has the same name.

  10. In our town, we created a new holiday called ‘Carnival Day’ to celebrate community and togetherness. Every year, we held a grand festival filled with unique traditions and joyful activities. It quickly became a cherished event for everyone.
    Everybody that goes is always filled with excitement and they always look so happy to be there.

  11. In our town, we created a new holiday called ‘flag show’ to celebrate community and togetherness. Every year, we held a grand festival filled with unique traditions and joyful activities. It quickly became a cherished event for everyone get a flag on were your from or were you were born, held up dance play eat we bring joy to the customs to come to our shop and activities to have fun sing excitement to this new event it be a blast.

  12. En nuestra ciudad, hemos creado una nueva festividad llamada “dia de la junta familiar” para celebrar la comunidad y la union. todos los fin de mes celebramos esta tradicion hay festival donde todos compartimos y celebramos nuestras tradiciones y costumbres unicas y actividades alegres, todos traen su Plato de comida para compartir entre todos. la emocion de juntarnos es unica para todos .esta festividad SE llenar de Mucha emocion e intriga.

  13. In our town, we created a new holiday called ‘Unity Day’ to celebrate community and togetherness. Every year, we held a grand festival filled with unique traditions and joyful activities. It quickly became a cherished event for everyone. this holiday tradition filled with joy festibale community and excitement is bacsily heaven what we do is get food and carnival games and get custom unquie activity’s and the theme is just so happy we eat have e a lot of fun and spend family time and the county is great it all so much fun

  14. en nuestra coiudad creamos una festibal llamada dia de la lecria para celebrar la comunidad y la union los ano SE;lebramos u n cran festival Leno’s de alecria unicos emociones es basicamente para los que asemos cnse guir las comida ylos guejos del carnabal iconse guir las actibidades Unica era Unico mebusto mucho es muy dibertido

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