“With superpowers, my days were filled with saving lives and fighting villains. Today, a new threat emerged, challenging my abilities. Use the following words to continue the story: superhero, powers, save, fight, villain, challenge, threat, abilities, hero, justice.”

13 Responses
“With superpowers, my days were filled with saving lives and fighting villains. Today, a new threat emerged, challenging my abilities. Everyone had different powers. I had super speed it was fantastic. While your reading this I am probably still running across the world. I was so fast a got snacks from every gas station. Some ramen noodles from Japan? Sounds good, if you had a super power what would you do with it? And what would it be?
With superpowers, my days were filled with saving lives and fighting villains. Today, a new threat emerged, challenging my abilities. I was a popular superhero around these parts, with my day usually consisting of the usual crime-stopping. Something was different today… I went into the streets when I saw an army of giant rats. A villain was controlling their every move. This was a massive threat to heroes and the whole city. With my abilities, I tried fighting off most of the hoard, and with the rest, I punched every single one individually. I gave justice to the city and saved the town.
With superpowers, my days were filled with saving lives and fighting villains. Today, a new threat emerged, challenging my abilities. I ALWAYS dreamed to be a superhero and have POWERS, I already knew what to do if the villains came because I watch too many movies. I save A lot of people in the night, Like I wake them up and pie them and then I help clean up. I have gotten a lot of threats lately and a lot of haters.
I like being a superhero.
With superpowers, my days were filled with saving lives and fighting villains. Today, a new threat emerged, challenging my abilities. But as a superrhero i must save lives and fight for justice. So i will use my powers to stop those villains it mite by a hard challenge but there threats will not scare me.
With superpowers, my days were filled with saving lives and fighting villains. Today, a new threat emerged, challenging my abilities. His name was the Punisher, He was so threat to me, I could easily fight this guy because I am a superhero. I hit him with my super punch and he started flying, he knew I was strong and that I was a real hero. He came back for more and I K.O him, he was knocked out and I saved my city. Justice for my city.
With superpowers, my days were filled with saving lives and fighting villains. Today, a new threat emerged, challenging my abilities. Once I went out to challenge my powers I overheard my dad watching the news. It said “yesterday and today was a mass robbery and all banks have been shut down for the rest of the month.” Once I heard that I wanted to be a hero and save the banks, and fight a villain for the first time. I wanted justice for the banks. I later on went to all banks and it was closed how it said it would be but there was no guard so anybody can just brake in and steal all of the money so, I hired somebody to be a guard and I did this for all banks, so later I went to go find this man or women to tell the banks I have him so they can reopen the banks.
un día con poderes de superheroe me levante, y me dieron una misión para salvar al mundo, era luchar con un villano mi desafio era meterlo a la prision para villanos, El villano tenia muchas habilidades, el amenazaba al pueblo, robaba y peliaba por cosas absurdas. me enfrente con el como heroe y lo venci y lo lleve a prision y asi hise justicia.
Con superpoderes, mis días estaban llenos de salvar vidas y luchar contra villanos. Hoy, surgió una nueva amenaza que desafía mis habilidades UN superherue El SE en frenta con Mucho peligro pero rrescata apersonas que pueden tender UN acsidente tambien los heroe luchan para salbar alas persona del peligro El billano que anda asiendo los grimenes El ase de todo lucha con El tiene abilidades para de rrotarlo con las amenasa conla justicia para que llalodeje I le ganas El desa fio ser supeherue es increible
Con superpoderes, mis días estaban llenos de salvar vidas y luchar contra villanos. Hoy, surgió una nueva amenaza que desafía mis habilidades UN superherue El SE en frenta con Mucho peligro pero rrescata apersonas que pueden tender UN acsidente tambien los heroe luchan para salbar alas persona del peligro El billano que anda asiendo los grimenes El ase de todo lucha con El tiene abilidades para de rrotarlo con las amenasa conla justicia para que llalodeje I le ganas El desa fio ser supeherue es increible.
With superpowers, my days were filled with saving lives and fighting villains. Today, a new threat emerged, challenging my abilities. I was on my way to help the city again because a new villain had just come to destroy the world so I had to come in and save the city. Once i got there i had to use my superpowers to stop what was going on i fought alot of vilains and helped the city alot .
With my gifted powers I had to save the world my abilities were flying super strength and more. But today was a different day everyone was in fear there was a new villain in town. I flew over there but I couldn’t find him until someone punches me in the face I look over and I see the villain I fought back and we were going at it. Then I use my super strength and punched him in the face he went flying with that punch then I flew to were he was at and took him to jail that is mostly what I do every day.
With superpowers, my days were filled with saving lives and fighting villains. Today, a new threat emerged, challenging my abilities I can run super fast fly super fast so I got were the villain is at breaking buildings cars and roads and I get closer and attack we have a big fight I the air but I won everyone call me a hero a superhero show the people how I save there city and town getting better at it and making people smell
With superpowers, my days were filled with saving lives and fighting villains. Today, a new threat emerged, challenging my abilities. as me the best superhero i used my poweer to save i use i power to fight big villans no og the big villans are a threat or a challenge my abblitys are fire gravity and flying no other hero is like me i am the one that serves justis to the city .