
If You Were the Teacher

If you were the teacher for a day, what lesson would you teach?

Your Task: In the comments section, respond to the blog post prompt. Make sure to write a thoughtful response that answers the question or completes the task. Your response should be at least three sentences long. Once you’ve posted your comment, read through your classmates’ responses and reply to at least three of them. When replying, focus on adding to the conversation, agreeing or disagreeing respectfully, and making connections to your own thoughts.

Comment Guidelines:

  1. Write a meaningful response that fully answers the blog post prompt.
  2. Include details or examples to explain your ideas clearly.
  3. Read and reply to at least three classmates’ comments. Use the sentence frames below to guide your responses.

Sentence Frames for Replying:


  • “I like what ________ said because…”
  • “I agree with ________, but on the other hand…”


  • “I disagree with ________ because…”
  • “I’m not sure I agree with ________ because…”

Making Connections:

  • “This reminds me of ________ because…”
  • “This is relevant to my life because…”


  • “The basic idea here is…”
  • “In summary, this says that…”

Adding to the Discussion:

  • “I want to add to what ________ said…”
  • “To expand on what ________ said…”

Remember, replying to at least three classmates is part of completing this activity!

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149 Responses

  1. If I was the teacher for the day I would teach math. Being the teacher takes responsibility so I would have to be a strict teacher. I cant mess around.

    1. I like what Rudy said because being strict might put stress on the kids, but it makes them work whether they like it or not.

    2. I agree with Rudy C.H because I love math and I think the different ways to figure out how to get an answer are so cool and I just love math in general.

    3. I agree with Rudy because, as the role of being a teacher it does take responsibility and taking care of more than 10 student’s is hard.

  2. If I was a teacher I would be a nice teacher. I would give everyone work but I would help them out with it. Or I would be the type of teacher where everyone would be happy to see me, but if they make me mad or not doing their work, I would make sure they know I am by giving more work.

    1. I agree with Kevin’s answer, some children like being taught in a nice way, not in a rude way, help always fixes problems.

  3. If I were a teacher. In my class I wouldn’t want students to play around and keep roaming around. I would let my students do anything after we finish our lesson, but if they didn’t listen I would make them do 1 extra assignment but if they didn’t do it or just listen to me at all then I would provoke their ways of doing things. I would make everything very hard for that student but if it is the whole class I would make them do 5 more assignments.

    1. I agree with what Ezrah says because, when students are roaming around and doing things they aren’t supposed to be doing is the thing that all teachers don’t really like. And, if they are doing what they aren’t supposed to do and not try to listen at all I’d think it’s a good idea to give them an extra assignment to shape their mindset into listening more often. But, I think it’s just a little harsh on students depending on the grade to give them a whole 5 extra assignments.

    2. I like your answer, as a person who gets annoyed easily I wouldn’t want my kids playing around or being childish, I wouldn’t give them to much work, I mean we all want to have a good weekend not to worry about doing homework or late assignments.

  4. If I was a teacher for a day I would teach science because I like to experiment on things. Science is just overall fun because of all the things you get to do. And you get to learn about interesting things.

  5. If I were a teacher for a day, I would teach the students how to find specific text elements. I would show them this for the purpose of making their learning easier later on. The students’ minds would be refreshed and ready.

  6. If I was the teacher what I would do is for science and history is bring in cool artifacts to school. and tell the kids about it then make them take a test on it and it will be one computers every Friday. Also I should tell them that if they get 80 percent or higher I’ll let them play outside our anything else but they have to choose one.

  7. If I were to be a teacher I would give out less classwork . I would let my students use their phones after I’m done teaching . Another thing I would let my students do is talk but only when I’m done teaching . I would mostly let them do anything but they have to respect me and be responsible around the class room.

    1. I like what Brianna L said. The reason I like it is because students should have their turn to do what they want.

    2. I agree with Brianna because, she seems like she’d be a fun, cool teacher everybody would like and the fact that they’d get less classwork is an automatic cool teacher. I personally just think that there should be a little bit more work due to the amount of free time they have like having to be on their phones, and doing basically what ever they want as long as their respectful and only after the teachers done with her lesson.

    3. Ur answer is very relatable, kids should be able to use there phones after work is done, it could be like a reward, but they would have to respect the teachers rules and boundaries, in my school life kids have no respect for there teachers.

  8. If i was a teacher i would have my room really decorated and teach in a fun way instead of a really ugly and boring teaching lesson its gonna be a fun and cool lesson. If I was a teacher and the kids don’t listen I would not give them candy or sweets after class is over. I will make sure that everybody has there best year in my classroom IF THEY DON’T THEN I WONT GIVE THEM CANDY EVER EVER EVER AGAIN.

  9. If I was a teacher I would teach music. I would teach them about music today and back then, including the best moments in rap history or other genres. I think I’d be a decent teacher because I know a lot about music but I still need to learn a lot more.

    1. Me too, I would teach music because a lot of children like music and find it entertaining, music is beautiful.

  10. If I was the techer for one day I would teach art because it could clam kids down and be quite. Anthore resona I would teach art is because it can open up there mind and try new things like crafts or panting it could teach them how to be careful with stuff. My last resona is because it could teach them that when you do something that it is harder to cover .

  11. If I were the teacher I would help people get smarter at math and reading this is what I would do if i was a teacher.

  12. If I were a teacher for a day, I would teach Mexican languages ​​that I know, or other types of Mexican languages, I would teach that at first it would be difficult to learn but you get the hang of the language and that’s it.

    1. I agree with Luz because, it’s really good to have the knowledge of other languages in your brain because, if you ever want to take a trip around the world, you can speak to the other people that speak a different language.

  13. If I was a teacher for the day I would teach math. I wouldn’t be too strict but I wouldn’t let them do anything.

    1. I agree with Jayden because he would teach them math so it will not be too strict so he wont let them do anything.

  14. If I were a teacher for 2 days I would teach science to make them smart and they call it grow brain grow while studying with the students.

  15. If i were the teacher for one day i would need to teach the students the basics. that means i have to teach or review math, reread or read new pages in ELA, and I would need to teach social studies. after that, I would try to give them recess.(and playtime if they are kindergarten or under.)

    1. Yes, kindergarteners and below should have extra playtime. And starting with the basics is a good idea. I agree with Dean.

    2. Yes, I agree but also disagree because you might be an elementary school teacher but in middle schools (6-8)

    3. I like what Dean said he would teach the students about basics to review math ELA and social studies so he would try to give them recess.

    4. I like what he said because I would want to give my students recess and I would want to teach them the basics of math and read with them in Ela and let them get to learn things that are new to them.

  16. If I were a teacher I would teach art. Art is a really fun subject for me and I just do it as a hobby a lot, and teaching it would be fun. I would also decorate the room with other art pieces.

    1. I agree with Caleb, since he’s super good at art and would be an excellent teacher. I think he would be very patient with students.

  17. If I was a teacher I would teach Art because its the easiest thing to teach and I really like to draw and I would enjoy teaching it. I would choose Art out of all the other subjects because I really enjoy it I find it easier to show people how to draw than another subject.

    1. I would say that she said she would teach art the easiest way so that is a good idea to show people how to draw in the next project.

  18. If I was a teacher I would want to be a music teacher cause I played multiple instruments and I like redoing songs I learned and I like decorating so my class would be very decorated.

    1. Emilio is good at music, so he would make a good teacher. He would also brighten up people that feel down, since hes funny and knows how to make jokes.

    2. You should try to be music teacher and teach the students to play multiple instruments everyday and keep doing redoing songs so keep up buddy.

  19. If I was a teacher, I would teach math since I favor that subject. Teaching math might be hard, but I would want to teach it for a challenge. I would welcome all students and would make sure they learn what they need to.

    1. Jasani would be pretty good to be a math teacher it sounds pretty awesome so make sure to teach the students math a little bit hard not very hard so keep it up Jasani when ever they want to learn with you buddy.

  20. If I was a teacher for a day I would most likely teach history or math, I would teach history because its important to know what happened in the past and what our ancestors were like. I would also teach math because it can be great for you in the future and helps with critical thinking.

    1. I would say that she had a brilliant idea to teach them history or math because its very important to study and work hard hopefully it should help the students make their brain grow so nice one.

  21. If I were a teacher for a day, I would teach all about other cultures in different countries, and what they do.

    1. I agree with Jazzy because she is good at teaching things to people when they don´t know how to do things.

    1. I agree with Riley W. but also don’t because yeah, that would make them listen more, but some people are gonna say that your a bad teacher

  22. If I were a teacher I would, be a chill teacher and teach in a fun way instead of a really, ugly and boring teaching lesson it’s gonna be a fun and cool, lesson. When all of the students are done with their work, I’ll let them go on their phones and If the students are being loud I’ll tell them to put their phones away.

    1. That’s pretty cool but I feel like the phone part is a bad idea, phones aren’t allowed during school.

    2. I agree with Mateo because being a chill teacher can be helpful to the kids. I disagree with Mateo about letting the kids use their phones during class.

  23. If I were a teacher for a day, would you teach them to read to children also to write because they are children who cannot read or also write mathematics because so that children learn mathematics or also multiplication tables.

    1. I’m not sure I agree with Katheryn because parents can help their children read or write but on the other hand it would be better for parents to help their children and if their children don’t understand some part you can teach them what they don’t. they understand.

  24. If I was a teacher I will be nice and helping other students. I will get pizza on every Friday, and drink also. I will give students less homework so the students do less work. I also will do cool lesson also like math, science, social studies, and history. If they being be respectful I will give them a award like candy, and sticker also. On the last day school I will give them pizza, movies, and candy also.

  25. If I was a teacher for a day I would teach science or history, I would also decorate my room with a lot of stuff and make the lessons fun.

    1. I agree with Ximena because some lessons can be boring to me so I would also want to make the lessons fun.

  26. If I was a teacher for a day, I would teach Russian or be a photograph teacher, because my uncle is a photographer and sometimes I watch him editing some pictures he’s paid to edit, because to be honest I wouldn’t really want to be a teacher that teaches math or English

  27. If i were a teacher I would teach the hardest subject and show my students how to do math so they could learn and I would give them donuts and water everyday so they could be energized and could do work.

  28. if I was a teacher for a day, I would teach Russian or be a photograph teacher, because my uncle is a photographer and sometimes I watch him editing some pictures he’s paid to edit, because to be honest I wouldn’t really want to be a teacher that teaches math or English.

    1. I think that would be an amazing lesson and I would love learning about this class and I would love this teacher.

  29. If I was the teacher I would have things to buy with live school. I would also let my students use their phones when they are done with their work. I would have fun activities for them if they are not being troublemakers. I would let them chew gum in class as long as they don’t throw it on the floor. If they do throw it on the floor I will assign them more work just the person who threw it on the floor.

  30. If I was a teacher I will let my students user phone they’re all done with their work. Another thing I’ll let my students do is have activities to do. Last but not least I i’ll give my spins a pizza party but they have to earn it.

  31. If I was a teacher I would teach kids art. I would teach kids how to do different subjects of art. For example I would teach kids how to sculpt.

  32. If i were a teacher i would some people aren’t as smart i would want to help them so they get smarter.

  33. If I was a teacher for a day I would teach music.I think music is my thing,it brings joy to my heart.I’d love too teach my students their favorite instrument, and see if their good or if they need more help with the instrument they chose.I’ll be a kind teacher but if my class is too crazy then my mood will change. But i’d only want to teach 6th and up.

  34. The history of racism. there’s sl***ry, then redlining and segregation from Jim crow laws. which also had schools segregated. which the black schools usually had less quality. then they get overturned by activists such as Martin Luther King jr, and Rosa parks, but today some people still doesn’t like many people based on their race. there’s still police br***lity and other stuff, which has been the rise of the BLM protests. and sometimes racism has been internalized which is called colorism. now we’re going to discuss how those people are racists. I’ll start. they seem to be taught from their generation or from their other beliefs that they are bad. and also maybe they also don’t want to be left alone in the future clinging onto the past.

  35. If I were a teacher I’d like to teach mostly math, and probably a little bit of reading. I wouldn’t really let the students walk around to talk with their friends when I’m teaching but I wouldn’t be that strict. If I’m ever done with my lesson and teaching I’d let them have some free time to do what ever they want a little before recess, and lunch. And, if my students ever do something they know their not supposed to be doing knowing it would make me frustrated, I’d take away their free time while they watch all the other kids have free time on their phone.

    1. I like what Renzo said because it has a perfect balance of strict and nice. The only thing I would disagree with is letting them go on their phone.

  36. If I was a Teacher I would be strict like very strict. I would give the students The worst thing known to mankind HOMEWORK. and if one of them talk back I’m making them do work until lunch but I’m not a terrible person like the average Instagram commenter. I might help the students and teach the math but if they get the answer wrong INSTANT Fs. I would teach the students MATH. any kinds of math it gets harder every week so that’s about it.

  37. If I was a teacher for a day I would be an art teacher because art is really fun for me and I would love to teach other people how to draw.

  38. If I were the teacher for a day the lesson I would teach is maybe like science but we would get to do science experiments. I would want to do this because it seems fun. Also if I were the teacher for a day I wouldn’t assign any homework.

  39. If I was a teacher for a day the subject I would probably teach is math. Because math is the easiest subject too me. I would not allow people to roam around and do what they want and ya.

  40. If I were to be the teacher I would like to teach history because the stuff that I can learn in training. I would also like to teach science because its fun to look at little kids doing experiments. Lastly I would also like to teach P.E. because the fun stuff you can let the kids do is also having action instead of being inside all day.

  41. If I was a teacher for the day I would be a PE teacher here’s why. I would be a PE teacher because I think it’s nice helping students with physical education and helping them in sports. Another reason, I would be one is because exercising is important for humans and it’s good to be in shape rather than not running or doing sports and exercises at all. I would also be a PE teacher because I would technically call myself a bit athletic but just so enough to teach other people how to do the sports that we can focus on for a week although I can throw a football not that far it’s enough to at least teach. This is what lesson I would teach if I were a teacher for a day and that’s PE just to let you know again.

  42. If I was the teacher for a day I would make it a day off because sometimes a full week of school is stressful for some people.

  43. if I was a teacher I would probably be a journalist teacher for high school students, so if they needed help with writing or vocabulary words, i’d be the teacher for that.

  44. If I was the teacher for the day I would be the P.E teacher. I would be the P.E teacher because it seems fun and I am fast and play a lot of sports so I can teach people.

  45. If i was a teacher for a day I would most likely teach math and writing because those are one of my favorite subjects. I would not let people walk and move to their friends desk and talk, but if they are done with all their work they could have some free time as long as they are not distracting others. And if I see some people are below average I would give the special attention so they can get better grades.

  46. If a was a teacher for the day I would want to be a PE teacher and teach soccer and boxing and make the kids run to the playground and back but the big kids 5 -8 grad back from baseball and back 5 times that’s what I would do if I was a teacher.

  47. If I was a teacher for the day I would be a PE teacher here’s why. I would be a PE teacher because I think it’s nice helping students with physical education and helping them in sports. Another reason, I would be one is because exercising is important for humans and it’s good to be in shape rather than not running or doing sports. This is what lesson I would teach if I were to be a teacher for the day.

  48. If I was a teacher, I would do fun things and teach fun interactive math/ history/science Lessons. And I would give my students break times if they needed them. in addition, I wouldn’t give out homework unless the student didn’t do an assignment in class, I wouldn’t be strict I would just want the kids to pay attention and respect me as I would respect them, if the class was being, good I´d get them special treats and let them get extra recess, and stuff like that, lastly I would have us do lots of art, so they won’t be bored.

  49. if I was a teacher I would teach science because there is a lot to know like mars,stars and the solar system I personally think science is cool and my favorite planet is Pluto I also wouldn’t be strict.

  50. If i were the teacher for a day I would teach science because I think that science is very important in the physical world. Like biology or astrology, I like both of those.

  51. if i was a teacher for a day I would teach science.I would teach science because I find it really interesting to find out how things work and discovering why things do that kind of stuff.I would teach my students how physics work and how plants grow and why they look like the way they look.I would not be too strict but not let them talk too much and I wouldn`t let them throw things across the room.I would try to teach them how to make different kinds of interesting things and how they work.

  52. If I were a teacher for a day, I’d have a nice classroom for the kids and be respectful so people don’t find me as a rude teacher. I would be strict but not too strict so the kids will know that they have rules and boundaries that they would need to follow.

    1. I agree with Isabelle because personally I wouldn’t want to be a rude or strict teacher I would just want the kids to follow my rules.

  53. If I was a teacher for a day I would probably teach math. I would teach this because it is pretty easy and it is kinda fun sometimes. If the students were doing good and doing their work I would let them talk and I would give them free time for 5 minutes and if they are being bad I would hold them back for a bit during recess. At the end of the day if you don’t finish what you did in class that will be your homework.

  54. If I was a teacher I would most likely teach the subjects math and reading. The reason is because they are one of my favorite subjects so they would probably be the best options for me. I would not let anyone walk around and move desks to sit next to their friends, but if their done then they can have a bit of free time as long as they don ´ t distract anyone. And if there is a day where everyone finishes their homework with not a single person missing it they would have 5-10 mins of free time

    1. I would agree with Chris because he had helped me in the past with some stuff I had problems with and he’s smart too and would be perfect to teach math and also has the balance of being nice and strict at the same time.

  55. If I had the chance to be the teacher for the day I would teach PE here’s why. My hobbies are usually games and soccer and that applies to sports I also love running too and want to teach other people sports and how to play them. I would also teach PE because I would call myself a bit athletic but still not the best I would do my best. This is what I would teach if I was the teacher for the day and the lessons I would teach too.

  56. If I were a teacher for a day, I would probably teach students about taxes and finance at an early age. Teaching taxes and finance to kids is important because it helps us understand money. When we learn about taxes, we know that when we buy things, some of our money goes to help pay for stuff like schools and parks. If we know how to budget, we won’t spend all our allowance on things we want thought but what we need first. When we grow up, we’ll have to deal with stuff like jobs, bills, and savings. If we learn about this stuff now, we won’t be scared later when we’re older.

  57. I will be teaching them like math saying because I am good at Science lkke like them to now how fun is it. i like math to sow i can thech them was to liern because i want them to learn.

  58. if I was teacher for a day I would plan fun things for my students! but I hope I don’t have to raise my voice. I know not to burst their bubble like substitutes, in my opinion I don’t like it when they tap me or poke me on my shoulder I find it annoying. As I was saying I would love to teach!

  59. If I was the teacher for a day I’d make the recess longer because the kids can let all their energy out and make lunch longer.

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