Think about your favorite memory from this year so far.
Your Task: In the comments section, respond to the blog post prompt. Make sure to write a thoughtful response that answers the question or completes the task. Your response should be at least three sentences long. Once you’ve posted your comment, read through your classmates’ responses and reply to at least three of them. When replying, focus on adding to the conversation, agreeing or disagreeing respectfully, and making connections to your own thoughts.
Comment Guidelines:
- Write a meaningful response that fully answers the blog post prompt.
- Include details or examples to explain your ideas clearly.
- Read and reply to at least three classmates’ comments. Use the sentence frames below to guide your responses.
Sentence Frames for Replying:
- “I like what ________ said because…”
- “I agree with ________, but on the other hand…”
- “I disagree with ________ because…”
- “I’m not sure I agree with ________ because…”
Making Connections:
- “This reminds me of ________ because…”
- “This is relevant to my life because…”
- “The basic idea here is…”
- “In summary, this says that…”
Adding to the Discussion:
- “I want to add to what ________ said…”
- “To expand on what ________ said…”
Remember, replying to at least three classmates is part of completing this activity!
Explore more of our blog for creative writing prompts and challenges. Check out our Amazon wish list if you’d like to donate to Mr. Alexander’s class!
25 Responses
My favorite memory from this year is when we cut open a fish. I had never done this before, and it was an interesting new experience. I found it fun because using a sharp tool on a fish was satisfying.
My favorite memory this year is me going to LA, it was really fun because I went to a party then went to Universal Studios. The party was fun because there was a lot of candy and cake. And Universal Studios is always fun to go to, my favorite ride to go on is the tour bus ride.
I like what Kevin said because I also went to Universal in the past.
My memory is when my birthday when I turn 12 and my friends came to aquiles and Adolfo we were playing baseball with a metal pipe and a small soccer ball and we play until we start our party and me and my friends whit for Adolfo to get pick up at 9:00 then he left and then aquiles left and I did to we all went home and sleep for the next day.
A other memory is that when in 6 grade we were about to leave and I was walking with aquiles and when we got out the door he want to tie his shoe and he fall over and fall down the stairs and was trying to hold himself and fail and land on the floor I was laughing but then I had to help then we left the school and got in the car and went home.
I like what Isaias said because I also had a birthday.
My favorite memory this year was when me and Emireth were laughing at Kevin ´ s ponytail yesterday. And Emireth was turning red and she was crying with laughter. Also when Emireth almost stopped breathing.
I like what Aleeah said because laughing is usually a good memory.
My favorite memory about this year is when my auntie and uncle from Mexico came to my house and surprising me. Another favorite memory that I will never forget is when I got my puppy. My last favorite memory in the world is when I met my nephew for the first time when he was a newborn in the hospital.
I like what Kamila said because my family also came from mexico.
My favorite memory this year in 2024 was when me and my best friend stayed up til 6 am playing roblox, and watching scary movies. Another of my favorite memories in 2024 was when we did the dissection , that day was really fun and funny. These two memories will always be my favorite, and I will never forget them.
I agree with Niylah because playing Roblox and staying up late is fun to do.
My favorite memory was my 12th birthday his year because I got a foot ball. and I also got a 50 dollar gift card and some talkies. lastly I got 110 dollars and I’m saving it to buy some stocks.
My favorite memory in 2024 was that my family from Mexico came to visit.We went to go karts and it was intense.It was fun,that is why it is my favorite memory.
My favorite moment so far is when my family and I traveled to Cancun and visited very touristy and fun places.
I agree with Daniel t because dissecting a fish was fun.
My favorite memory from this year was when my grandma came from mexico and it was nice seeing her because we haven’t seen her since 2020. And it was good spending time with her and now she tells me stories from mexico.Also scary stories from mexico and she tells me all about my cousins.
I agree with Danna because grandmas stories are cool.
I agree with Isaias R because I also liked when I turned 12.
My favorite memory from 2024 is when me and my friend were hanging out after school and we were running around in my neighborhood at night and we saw a bunch of scary things that weren’t there. It’s my favorite memory because I’ve never been more happy like that in my life with my friend. It was funny because we kept on screaming and it was funny how she was screaming because she screamed like a hyena.
I agree with Danna because I haven’t seen my grandma in 2 years and I just go to see her for 3 weeks.
My favorite this year so far is a game that we didn’t play, it was very cool but also my year is also the new year because my family is there, it’s my favorite memory. I also call Halloween good because it’s also great my favorite.
My favorite memory from this year is when I went to Disneyland for my cousin’s birthday and we went on some rides and then he wanted to ride a big ride I thought he was joking we went on a tall ride he was scared when we first saw it but then he saw another kid that looked his age so later on he wanted to ride he got on but then got a little scared at first but then another kid was next he wasn’t scared anymore he got on the ride and we got buckled until the ride started he was scared I was freaking out because i don’t want him to get scared and cry so I tried to calm him down until a kid his age got on and talked to him he was less scared then we told him he could sit with us and the hole ride he wasn’t scared we were so happy that a few minutes past he wanted to go again and we also invited that kid who got on with us to come sin happy birthday and eat cake with us.
My favorite memory was my nephew birthday. My favorite memory is my nephew birthday because I got to spend all day with him and there where photes of him when he was little. My last resona why my favorite memory is my nephew birthday is because I got alot of photes with him.
My favorite memory is last years school year especially the ending of 6th grade. I met great people and had an awesome friend group, a nice teacher. Me and friends would laugh a lot in class but it was worth it because we made a lot of memories. November was my favorite time of last year too a lot of good things happened in that month.
My favorite memory in 2024 is when I was in 6th grade and I had my class with Angelah and we would always laugh and create memories with each other.