
What’s Your Dream Job?

If you could have any job in the world, what would it be and why?

Your Task: In the comments section, respond to the blog post prompt. Make sure to write a thoughtful response that answers the question or completes the task. Your response should be at least three sentences long. Once you’ve posted your comment, read through your classmates’ responses and reply to at least three of them. When replying, focus on adding to the conversation, agreeing or disagreeing respectfully, and making connections to your own thoughts.

Comment Guidelines:

  1. Write a meaningful response that fully answers the blog post prompt.
  2. Include details or examples to explain your ideas clearly.
  3. Read and reply to at least three classmates’ comments. Use the sentence frames below to guide your responses.

Sentence Frames for Replying:


  • “I like what ________ said because…”
  • “I agree with ________, but on the other hand…”


  • “I disagree with ________ because…”
  • “I’m not sure I agree with ________ because…”

Making Connections:

  • “This reminds me of ________ because…”
  • “This is relevant to my life because…”


  • “The basic idea here is…”
  • “In summary, this says that…”

Adding to the Discussion:

  • “I want to add to what ________ said…”
  • “To expand on what ________ said…”

Remember, replying to at least three classmates is part of completing this activity!

Explore more of our blog for creative writing prompts and challenges. Check out our Amazon wish list if you’d like to donate to Mr. Alexander’s class!

32 Responses

  1. My dream job is to work with my dad at Kaiser Permanent because whether you are checking people in or opening someones body, you are still helping. When you’re checking someone in you are checking someone in that needs help or in a vital position. If you’re Opening someones body you are saving them from something that they are in need to fix.

  2. My dream job is maybe being a detective or a lawyer maybe detective because i like crime and i would like finding out about different cases and helping out.

  3. My dream job is being a nurse. I really don’t know what type of nurse I want to be but I want to be a nurse and work with babies. A person that inspires me to being nurse is my godmother because she has been a nurse for a lot of years now.

  4. My dream job is being a barber, they get paid a good amount and I would make other people happy with my cuts. As a kid, my barber would always mess me up, and I wouldn’t do that to other people, so that’s what my dream job is.

    1. I agree with Kevin T because my barber always messed me up when I was younger and I would want to go back so I would be able to fix my hairline.

  5. If I could have any job in the world, it would be at a fancy restaurant. I would serve the rich people, get great tips, and be able to eat at the place for my break time. I would also be in constant air conditioning, working without being engulfed by the scorching hot sun.

  6. My dream job is to become an architect, because I really like to design different types of things. And if architecture doesn’t work out I want to become a real ultrasound tech, because you get to see babies in their mothers stomach.

  7. My dream job is to be a NFL super star because some make hundreds of million. also it whould be cool to play in a aswom sort and I get to meet somee cool people. lastly I can have my dream house and get to play in games and do crasy stuff

  8. If I could have my dream job it would be to be a stewardess so I could travel the world and see new places, countries or learn other cultures.

  9. What is my dream job is to have my own complete business. The reason I want my own business is because it’s always better to work for yourself than working for someone else. Another reason why I would have my own business is because I can be the main boss, so there is no other boss ahead of me.

    1. I agree with Ezrah, but on the other hand, you will need to have loads of money for bills and to maintain your company.

  10. When I grow up I want to be competing in formula 1.I pick this because I love cars. It has been my dream for a while.

  11. I have two dream jobs, the first one is something to do with music like a producer or artist, I just want to be involved with music and be known for it. Second one is to be a criminologist. I’m very interested in crime like predators, murder, and mostly cyber crime.

  12. My dream job is to be a doctor because they make a stay able pay chek so I would be able to get a house and pay the rent without being late on it. Pluse if one of my family mebers are sick I can help them and get them in too see a chek out. One more thing I would do is if I was a doctor is to help people.

  13. My dream job is to work in a kitten nursery because I love to work with animals but mostly cats since I´m constantly finding baby cats and newborn cats in my yard and take care of them and let them go once they turn into adults but they stay outside my house so I keep feeding them.

    1. I agree with Aaliyah because she’s really good with baby kittens and she’ll be a good person to take care of them.

  14. My dream job is to be a soccer player. I want to be one of the best soccer players. I would want to play St. St Is when you go up and score goals.

  15. My dream job is a builder because i can make a good company and i can build anything for my dad and my mom and if i had the right amount of money i would help my mom and dad.

  16. My dream jod would be a NFL star. because you get a lot of money based on how u do. also you can meet a lot of different people and be popular.

  17. My dream job is to be a NICU nurse. I’d want to be a NICU nurse because they make a good amount of money and you get to take care of newborn babies. If that doesn’t work out then I would like to be a UltraSound Technician because you get paid $113, 756 per year and you get to know the gender of the babies and know if their healthy or not.

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