
What Would You Do?

Imagine you find a wallet full of cash on the street. 

Your Task: In the comments section, respond to the blog post prompt. Make sure to write a thoughtful response that answers the question or completes the task. Your response should be at least five sentences long. Once you’ve posted your comment, read through your classmates’ responses and reply to at least three of them. When replying, focus on adding to the conversation, agreeing or disagreeing respectfully, and making connections to your own thoughts.

Comment Guidelines:

  • Write a meaningful response that fully answers the blog post prompt.
  • Include details or examples to explain your ideas clearly.
  • Read and reply to at least three classmates’ comments. Use the sentence frames below to guide your responses.

Sentence Frames for Replying:


  • “I like what ________ said because…”
  • “I agree with ________, but on the other hand…”


  • “I disagree with ________ because…”
  • “I’m not sure I agree with ________ because…”

Making Connections:

  • “This reminds me of ________ because…”
  • “This is relevant to my life because…”


  • “The basic idea here is…”
  • “In summary, this says that…”

Adding to the Discussion:

  • “I want to add to what ________ said…”
  • “To expand on what ________ said…”

Remember, replying to at least three classmates is part of completing this activity!

29 Responses

  1. If I found a wallet with money in it I would probably take it depending on how it looks and stuff, but if it was information in there and money I would try to find the person phone number or something and give it to them.

  2. If I found a wallet full of cash on the street with no ID I would keep it, there’s no point in finding the owner of the wallet if there’s no help of finding the person. But if it did have an ID I would find the person, give them the wallet, and make them pay me for finding it.

    1. I agree with Kevin because you’re giving the wallet back to them so you at least deserve something because you’re giving it back to them.

  3. If I found a wallet on the floor, I would pick it up. Then, I would open it to see who the owner was and look around to see if someone matched the license. If no one matches it, I would turn it into the police station. I hand it to the officer and they find the person through the I.D.. I will feel good about myself once it is returned to the owner.

    If I found a wallet on the floor, I would pick it up. Once I see no I.D., I check the amount of money. If there is more than 500 dollars, I would set it into a crevice where no one would see. I then walk away and go along with my day. I would pick it up if I wanted to, but it would be morally wrong.

    1. I like what Daniel T said, I would probably feel good if I returned it too, but would feel guilty someone elses hard earned money.

  4. If I found a wallet full of cash what I would do is search through it and see if there is any information. And if there was information about who the person is. I would turn it into the police department and if there was no information I keep it and take it for myself and be happy with 800 dollars.

  5. If i found a wallet full of money i would check who it is if it doesn’t have the information i will go to the bank because i can show them that i found a wallet full of money on the ground so i just let the bank have it for they can see who it is.

  6. If there was some form of licence or id I would try to find the person. But if there wasn’t anything just cash that would also be a little sketchy so I would also check the money if it’s laced with something . But if it wasn’t I would keep that money I mean finders keepers?

  7. What I would do if I found a wallet I would look to see is there is a id and there is not I would keep it because finder keepers. What I would do if there was a id I would first look at the adders and then take it and leave the id in a fire that way no ones would know that I took it.And that is what I would do if I found a wallet on the ground.

    1. I agree with Stevie because burning and ID/ drivers license in a fire is really smart and no-one would know that you took the wallet.

  8. If I find it wallet with no ID and it only has money then I’ll take the money and keep it for myself but if I found a wallet that has an ID I will take some of the money because i should take credit because I found the wallet and then I’ll give the person back their wallet whoever it belongs to.

  9. If I would find a wallet full of cash and their id and stuff and get the money out of it drop the wallet and run the hell out of there but if there is no id then I would pick it up I would run with the wallet.

  10. If i ever found a wallet with no ID with a lot of money i would keep it and keep all the money cause i’m hella broke. On the other side if i found a wallet with an ID or drivers license i would keep all the money and give all of the cards back to them including the wallet, just without the money because once again, i’m hella broke.

  11. If I found a wallet full of cash I would return it to the owner because they probably worked very hard for that cash. If it had the drivers licence then like I said I would return it. If it did not have a licence or something to identify the person then I would go to the police station.

  12. If I see whoever keeps quiet, I’m going to give them their wallet. And if I don’t see who kept it, I would keep it and use it for a good cause.

    1. lf l see whover keeps quiet, lm going to give them their wallet. and if l don t see who kept it l would keep it for a good

  13. Imagine that you find a wallet full of cash, you have to look for the person who lost their wallet on the street because they probably using full of money and you don’t want me to call him what to give, I’m going to go to the street if I find a person who is missing a wallet and Like, there person, I know you’re not telling the truth, I can count how much money there is in the wallet and if the person doesn’t say, Well, when he says, how much money is in the wallet, I’ll add it to his wallet.

  14. I’m keeping it first see if it has a I’D or family photo but it does not have an I’D so I just turn it in to the police department and have it check for like finger prints and if they don’t find anything I just see if it has more thing to check it out so I finally find something driver license and see the photo it a man 32 years old I go back to the police and turn it in other people will just take the money but first you got to look for the owner.

  15. Some kidnappers have been putting money on the ground so I would probably leave it less if there’s a lot of people around I would look at the ID if there’s an ID I would see if anyone looks like the picture on the ID if there no one that look like the probably just turn it into the police and have them figure it out

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