If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be and why?
Your Task:
In the comments section below, describe one change you would make to the world and explain why this change is important. Be sure to detail how your change would positively impact the world.
Comment Guidelines:
- Write a thoughtful response explaining the change you want to see in the world.
- Be specific about how this change would affect people, the environment, or society.
- Once you’ve posted your comment, read through your classmates’ responses and reply to at least three of them. When you reply, consider agreeing, disagreeing, or adding more to their ideas. Be respectful and constructive in your responses.
Don’t forget to include at least three replies to your classmates to complete this activity!
Here are some sentence frames to use when replying to comments:
- “I agree with ________ because…”
- “I like what ________ said because…”
- “I agree with ________, but on the other hand…”
- “I disagree with ________ because…”
- “I’m not sure I agree with ________ because…”
Making Connections:
- “This reminds me of ________ because…”
- “This is relevant to my life because…”
- “The basic idea here is…”
- “In summary, this says that…”
Adding to the Discussion:
- “I want to add to what ________ said…”
- “To expand on what ________ said…”
35 Responses
If I could change one thing about the world, it would be pollution because of its dangerous effects. Pollution heavily damages animal’s habitats and makes the planet heat up with climate change. Without pollution, most animals would live peacefully, and the temperatures would be normal.
I agree with Daniel T because pollution is bad and is killing plants, animals, and the whole entire world.
I agree because the air long ago was much better then today’s air.
I agree because people need to air to live or they would die.
I would change world hunger. Because people need food and people are dying everyday without food. Without food, people can get sick with headaches, stomach hurting and etc. I wouldn’t want that for everyone, so I would wanna give everyone food.
I agree because world hunger should end.
I agree because food is an important part of life, without it you cannot live.
I agree with you because people should not starve and they should be able to eat everyday for free.
“I agree with Kevin because people will die with out food they will starve.
I agree with Kevin because there shouldn’t be people starving and it could cause sickness.
Some things I would change in the world. One thing I would change is air pollution because long ago when dinosaurs were here their air was so much stronger but we lost a lot because of air pollution. Another thing I would change is drugs because people don’t deserve that and its really bad for you, and it can cause so many side effects. One last thing I would change in the world is war. The reason I want to change war is because people don’t deserve to die or almost die because people are important and they should be able to live their life’s at their fullest.
I agree with Ezrah because drugs are bad and are killing people, people can overdose or just die from it cause of how dangerous it is.
I agree with this so much drugs people don’t need it they want it and I just think drugs should be gone.
I agree because drugs kill people like every week from ovredosing
I agree with Ezrah because drugs are so bad and they mess you up and if you take too much you die from overdosing.
What would change is that there would no longer be pollution anywhere, it would not affect anything because it would be a world without pollution, the environment would be happy because there would be no pollution.
If i would change something about this world I would change all of the people on the streets because they don’t have any money and they are more poor than me. I feel bad for them.
I agree because homelessness is a horrible thing.
I agree with jolette because there are a lot of homeless now thats there is inflation.
I agree with you because you agreed with me
I agree because homelessness is a huge problem in today’s world.
One thing i would do for the world is clean the trash because it would hurt animals from the ground and in water so it going to be bad for it habitat .We should clean all the trash to help the poor animals.
One thing I would change in the world is trash in the ocean so many sea animals are dead because of the trash in the ocean. The reason why I would change it is because people can just throw it into the trash can. But instead they would rather throw it into the ocean or lake to kill a bunch of sea animals.Or lake animals so that is one thing I would change in the world.
I agree with Roman S because the water is something that we should be drinking daily and its so hard for people to clean that dirty water.
I agree with Roman because water pollution is bad for underwater animals.
I would chang the world by geting all the trash out of the ocean then I would clean up all the oil in the ocean that way the water can be clean. I would also by geting the boats fixed that are realsing the oil in the ocean.
I agree because polluting the water greatly effects the animal life.
What I change in the world is this kids that their parents work hard to get some money and they are out there buying for them isn’t of buying stuff for them just to make them look happy and feel happy I change this kid to what ever they get they stay with it and take good care of it it not like there are going to just buy new ever mints be happy feel great with what you get cause there no going back that what I change from this world.
I agree with you because the animals are endangered.
What I would change is that there would be no pollution anywhere, it would not affect anything because it would be a world without pollution, the environment would be happy because there would be no pollution. I agree.
I agree with you because pollution causes animals and plants to die.
One thing I would change about the world is school shootings kids shouldn’t have to go to school paranoid. Sometimes we have no idea what’s going to happen we are just trying to learn and have fun not go to school not knowing you can die any second at any time. If you are getting bullied or something is going report it don’t take it out on innocent children who did nothing.
I agree with you because kids should not experience that.
Something I will change in the world is bullying because kids always get bullied which they might try to self-harm or kill themself. Kids should live a happy life not end it every there victims that end their because of bullying.
If I could do one thing to change the world I would make world peace because their is a lot of dangrous places like Chicago o block bronx City new your I just want people to stop shooting eachother and I also would like if parent don’t fight and they have a perfect life