The enchanted forest was a place of mystery and magic. I ventured in to uncover its secrets and meet its mystical inhabitants. Use the following words to continue the story: enchanted, forest, mystery, magic, secrets, inhabitants, explore, adventure, wonder, nature.

13 Responses
The enchanted forest was a place of mystery and magic. I ventured in to uncover its secrets and meet its mystical inhabitants. I’ve seen animals, but this was different there were mysterious creatures. Most of them I had to run away from. the rest like the mythical bunny were friendly. It was amazing the rabits skin was white and fluffy. it had green eyes like a beast. It was adorable, I took it with me through my adventure. I even saw a flame tiger. it wasn’t friendly so I ended up climbing a tree. I grabbed a flare gun from my backpack and shot it in the air. I was out of there, but Earth was different!
The enchanted forest was a place of mystery and magic. I ventured in to uncover its secrets and meet its mystical inhabitants. I explored the nature forest, adventuring the long paths of wonder. I encountered some inhabitants, uncovering secrets with each mystical step.
The enchanted forest was a place of mystery and magic. I ventured in to uncover its secrets and meet its mystical inhabitants. so I start to wonder thore the forest trying to find it mysterys in nature . To see what secrets this forest is hiding so i explore its inhabitants.
The enchanted forest was a place of mystery and magic. I ventured in to uncover its secrets and meet its mystical inhabitants. I went to explore to see the other trees so I went on an adventure to find the biggest tree of them all, to find the biggest secret. This place is a wonder, there’s so much trees and magic everywhere I go and nature could talk to me. I finally found the biggest tree and the secret was they all used to be people but then turned into trees by a witch.
The enchanted forest was a place of mystery and magic. I ventured in to uncover its secrets and meet its mystical inhabitants it was cold and wet there was some mystery’s goo I see a magical creature and he was scare of me he was small and have some barres I said hey and he run away from me I follow him until I found a secrete forest but it was can of small I adventure the forest I was wondering if he was going some were I was I explore there was small houses and I see nature I was lost.
The enchanted forest was a place of mystery and magic. I ventured in to uncover its secrets and meet its mystical inhabitants I was exploring and I find a tree thee is a door I open it and I fall inside and I see 6 doors they all lead to a different world and there is a big Crystal in the middle of the room when I get closer I here whisperers.
El bosque encantado un lugar lleno de magia y de misterio. Decidi aventurarme y explorarlo, llege y averigue si de verdad habian habitantes toda la naturaleza era una maravilla , lo explore y era verdad todo lo que decian en verdad no lo podia creer era fantastico todo. Estate lista para otra aventura? no lose.
The enchanted forest was a place of mystery and magic. I ventured in to uncover its secrets and meet its mystical inhabitants.
As I entered the enchanted forest, I couldn’t help but wonder what secrets lie in this mysterious land.
I could not help myself as my curiosity took control. I had to explore this place and find out what inhabitants this “magical” forest.
Once I walked pretty deep into the forest, I couldn’t help but think how beautiful the nature there was! It was different from the normal forests I’ve explored. This one had little colorful birds flying around and weird colored frogs!
When will I find an exit to this place? This would be the start of a new adventure.
El bosque encantado era un lugar de misterio y magia. Me aventuré a descubrir sus secretos y conocer a sus habitantes místicos. Usa las
El bos que es ermoso pero es UN misterio es ermoso por que magico ay muchos cosas misteriosas por te en cuentras con COSA ermosas = pero ala bes es peligroso ir al bosque de noche pero de dia no
The enchanted forest was a place of mystery and magic. I ventured in to uncover its secrets and meet its mystical inhabitants. As I started walking more into the forest I seen a lot of magical things. Somethings I seen were unicorns and I also see the fish walking. I decided to walk more in the forest and I seen a lot of trees full of glitter. I’ve never seen anything like this so I was shock. When I started walking more into the forest I cept here strange sounds like if a girl was singing. I decided to just go back to the start.
The enchanted forest was a place of mystery and magic. I ventured in to uncover its secrets and meet its mystical inhabitants. While I was walking through the enchanted forest I had seen so many undiscovered creatures I was so curious. It walked up to me I did not know what to call it so weird what this creature is called I heard something like howl but not a wolf howl a different type of howl. The Creature I had found ran off so either it was dangerous or his family called I tried following it but it was so fast once I cought up it was its family.
The enchanted forest was a place of mystery and magic. I ventured in to uncover its secrets and meet its mystical inhabitants. I like the enchanted forest its so mysterious! it look very magical and i wanna know the secrets,I was talking to the trees and they told me everything. I went on an adventure after and explored a lot. I love nature!
The enchanted forest was a place of mystery and magic. I ventured in to uncover its secrets and meet its mystical inhabitants. I had a big mystery of what this was but there was a scroll on the ground it said the enchanted forest has secrets inhabitants, places explore the Forrest and for adventure wonder around and learn about nature that’s the End of the scroll