One morning, I woke up to find I had transformed into a mermaid. Exploring the ocean depths was an incredible adventure. Use the following words to continue the story: mermaid, ocean, transform, adventure, explore, depths, creatures, underwater, discovery, wonder.

10 Responses
One morning, I woke up to find I had transformed into a mermaid. Exploring the ocean depths was an incredible adventure. I could swim as fast as I wanted to, I was a mermaid! I went as deep as I could I felt no air pressure but I saw an animal that was supposedly extinct. The megalodon. As I traveled through the ocean I saw colorful corals, puffer-fish, and squids. I went up to the surface but I couldn’t breath. I’m stuck in the ocean I will have to live like this.
One morning, I woke up to find I had transformed into a mermaid. Exploring the ocean depths was an incredible adventure I was a bale to go explore places I was never explore the Mariana trench or the titanic or author places.
One morning, I woke up to find I had transformed into a mermaid. Exploring the ocean depths was an incredible adventure. How could I not notice this transformation when I was sleeping? This body is a wonder, I went deep underwater to explore and when I saw a fish I had found a discovery that I could actually understand the sea water creature! This was so cool and I could breathe underwater and roam around so freely, this was the best day of my life!
One morning, I woke up to find I had transformed into a mermaid. Exploring the ocean depths was an incredible adventure. I was really curious how did turn into a mermaid, and how did end up here if i was sleeping peacefully in my bed. I started looking exlpore and I seen all kinds of things like dolphins, fishs, sharks, crab and even a whale.
One morning, I woke up to find I had transformed into a mermaid. Exploring the ocean depths was an incredible adventure. I adventured the underwater sea, discovering many creatures. I watched other mermaids swim around, wondering if they had the same story as me. I saw coral reefs, colorful fishes, seaweed, sharks, and many other critters.
One morning, I woke up to find I had transformed into a mermaid. Exploring the ocean depths was an incredible adventure. Now time to explore the depths of the underwater ocean to find creatures i never would have found i found new discovery of a type of fish looks like a type of square fish just made out of fish flesh but it looks cool but this adventure just started.
One morning, I woke up to find I had transformed into a mermaid. Exploring the ocean depths was an incredible adventure I was wondering where to sleep but my mermaid friends lead me into this big seashell it had a beautiful pearl in it but after i slept for a little i decided to explore there was so many pretty fish underwater at the beach there was just regular grey boring fish but underwater there was so many fish colored like blue, purple, yellow, it was so beautiful down here in the ocean. But then i transformed back to a normal human i miss the ocean already it was a great adventure.
Una mañana, me desperte para des cubrir que meabia con bertido en una sirena me Avia trasformado mefui al oceano para explorar las profundidades era increible ime sorprendi que El oceano eraermoso abajo del agua era bonito y des cubrimiento que medi Avia criaturas abajo del agua tube Hermosa aventura ser sirena er increible asifue marabilla quetube esmosa abintura
One morning, I woke up to find I had transformed into a mermaid. Exploring the ocean depths was an incredible adventure. I went to explore the depths of the ocean and I saw so many different creatured and I went so far under water that I couldn’t see I I went up and I eared a big sound under there I wonder what it was but now that I was a mermaid I could go on adventures I went back to my house and I transform back into my regular house I kept think that I of how many discovery I could find
One morning, I woke up to find I had transformed into a mermaid. Exploring the ocean depths was an incredible adventure. But then I seen all of the little fish run away and hide. They all knew what was happening like it wasn’t new. Then I saw a huge shark lunge at me but I swam away. After 10 minutes of swimming I discovered new boats in the ocean where there were no fish, sharks, no creatures at all. I wonder how long it has been here. But then I thought I was human for a bit but when I turned around and I saw a huge tail, AND another BIG shark coming right at me. But I had forgot I am a mermaid so I can just fight back and make him love me.