
What’s Your Talent?

What’s one talent you have that you’re proud of? 

Your Task: In the comments section, respond to the blog post prompt. Make sure to write a thoughtful response that answers the question or completes the task. Once you’ve posted your comment, read through your classmates’ responses and reply to at least three of them. When replying, focus on adding to the conversation, agreeing or disagreeing respectfully, and making connections to your own thoughts.

Comment Guidelines:

  1. Write a meaningful response that fully answers the blog post prompt.
  2. Include details or examples to explain your ideas clearly.
  3. Read and reply to at least three classmates’ comments. Use the sentence frames below to guide your responses.

Sentence Frames for Replying:


  • “I agree with ________ because…”
  • “I like what ________ said because…”
  • “I agree with ________, but on the other hand…”


  • “I disagree with ________ because…”
  • “I’m not sure I agree with ________ because…”

Making Connections:

  • “This reminds me of ________ because…”
  • “This is relevant to my life because…”


  • “The basic idea here is…”
  • “In summary, this says that…”

Adding to the Discussion:

  • “I want to add to what ________ said…”
  • “To expand on what ________ said…”

Remember, replying to at least three classmates is part of completing this activity!

Explore more of our blog for creative writing prompts and challenges. Dive into new ideas and uncover endless possibilities with Mr. Alexander’s class!

178 Responses

  1. One talent that I have is speed, I am proud of this talent because if I am running away from someone or something I can get away quick.

  2. My talent that I’m proud of is playing the bajoloche, Its a type of acoustic guitar but is a bass. I mean I did just start playing it a week ago but I’m still learning and I’m proud of myself for teaching myself songs.

    1. This reminds me of Kevin playing the bajoloche, and I like he said it is a type of acoustic guitar but he said it is a bass. he started playing it a week ago.

    2. This reminds me of Kevin playing the bajoloche, and I like he said it is a type of acoustic guitar but he said it is a bass. he started playing it a week ago.

    3. I like what Kevin T said because, he’s doing something he likes, and now he has something to do that he enjoys, and lastly has something to be proud of himself of.

    4. I agree, learning comething can be useful,
      أنا تعلم اللغة العربية ألان. (I’m learning the Arabic language now)
      I REALLLLLLLLLLY like it, its cool

  3. My talent is basketball. The reason it’s basketball is because I have been granted multiple things that you can use in basketball. I have been granted with my height, I have been granted with long legs and arms, I have been granted basketball equipment. I am super grateful for a lot of things for basketball. And what my talent is for basketball is shooting in basketball. I have been taught a lot of things for basketball because my parents let me.

    1. Okay, girl, THAT’S a talent I would want! I think that’s so cool because the violin is so hard to play, and I don’t understand it one bit.

  4. My secret talent Is cooking. I’m still learning new recipes but the things i’ve made before come out pretty nice so it seems like i’m good at it. If you think about cooking is pretty easy if you have the right ingredients.

  5. My talent is that I can make my horse do tricks. Some of the tricks my horse can do is I can make him dance, jump, and swim. I could stand up on top of my horse while he’s walking.

  6. My talent is guitar I know how to play a couple of songs on my guitar. One day I hope me and my friends can make a grupo. It;s gonna be me Kevin, Jovani, Efren, Axel, and sergio. I love playing guitar I play guitar when I have free time. Playing guitar is so fun you could learn songs on it you could make money by playing your guitar or singing.

    1. I have a fun time playing guitar too so I would have to agree with Roman S, play by ear so playing instruments are easy since if I hear something I can play by ear

    2. I like that because guitar is fun to play. You should try singing while playing (my personal suggestion). only makes it even better!!

  7. i’m proud of my talent in music. i’m just proud of how well i’m doing on the guitar, how good i am and getting on the piano, and my skills when it comes to singing (based on what other people tell me about my singing), even though sometimes people bring down my self esteem with insults when i’m singing😭

    1. Lol but actually I agree because people sometimes like to say my drawings are ugly to get me mad but I don’t let them bother me.

    2. I agree with Darlene since she talks about music all the time, so I think she would be good at the instruments she plays

    3. I like Darlene K.C’s comment because I hear her singing in class, and sometimes I just listen to her singing (her singing is angelic)

    4. I like what Darlene said because you shouldnt let other people bring you down, they are probably jealous that your learning something and they arent.

  8. One talent that I have is I can make a owl sound with my tongue and I sounds very cool and I know no one that can do that.

    1. Broooo! how?! that’s actually pretty cool👍 i don’t think anyone knows how to do that. certainly not me or anyone i know!

    1. I think that knowing how to do math is amazing because, one I think that math is a hard subject and that you could use this talent in business

  9. One talent I have is multiplying fast. I am proud of this because it help’s me out when were having a timed quiz or anything that’s timed with multiplying.

  10. One talent I have is playing soccer . I am proud of this talent because I enjoy playing soccer and I practice it with a lot of effort to get better at it.

      1. Same but actually I agree because my hand-eye coordination has gotten way better since 2nd grade when I started playing my xbox and tablet.

  11. One talent I have is sketching/drawing. I am proud of this talent because I enjoy drawing and it’s something I’m passionate about.

  12. Same I’m very fast and in fact Im the fastest in the state and im also the longest long jumper in the state i can run 20 mph

    1. I disagree with Tamoni, I’ve never seen him run that fast and he has no proven records of being the fastest person in California.

  13. One of my talents is, in my opinion I personally think I’m pretty fast in speed. I’m proud of that talent because, it’s useful in mostly sports, and if you’re in a dangerous situation. It helps me gain exercise, and whenever I run with a Basketball some people might think I’m really fast. Which might boost my chances of making it to the Basketball team.

  14. One talent I have is that i’m a really good dancer.I’m proud of this talent because I love dancing and it makes me feel happy,and it makes me express my emotions in the type of music i’m dancing to.But I know I can get better at it.

  15. One talent I have is playing volleyball. I am proud of this talent because I enjoy playing volleyball and I practice it a lot of effort to get better at it.

  16. I have hyperlexia (which is the ability to learn languages fast)
    أنا تعلم اللغة العربية ألان. (I’m learning the Arabic language now)
    كيف حالك؟ (how are you guys! [don’t have to respond])

    1. I like what Tim said because this is really impressive and probably soon enough you could be able to learn all languages.

  17. My talent is math, Im proud of math because I used to be dumb in fourth grade but my teacher teach me math like very day until last day of fourth grade. In first day of fifth grade the math skills were hard but she helped me on math. My teacher teaches me and the whole class math very very day until I was smart, that’s how I became smart.

  18. One talent that I have is cooking I am proud of this talent because my grandma showed me and know I’m very good at it.

  19. I’m also very good at basketball football really any sport I play I’m also good at video games editing and posting Youtube videos.

  20. My talent is being able to learn math easily. I’m proud of this because during test I don’t usually have to worry because I already know how to solve all the questions that are in the test.

  21. One talent I have is that i’m a really good dancer.Why I’m proud of this talent is because I think i’m really good at understanding different types of dances.Dance makes me feel happy and it let’s me express my emotions.

  22. Another talent I have is singing to different language (Korean) songs.How i’m proud of this talent is because I learn a different language and that’s really cool.I love singing,to some songs I love I will sing my heart out.

  23. One talent I have is, learning things quickly. For example, I’ve been learning the guitar for about 3 days and I’m already pretty good at it, and I have remembered many notes. This is also the same for drawing and video games

  24. I am really good at my backhand in tennis i have been working on it the last two weeks and i think it is a nice skill to have when playing tennis

  25. One talent I have is running, I’m not super fast but pretty average. I would like to get better and improve on my speed. This is my talent.

  26. One talent I have is playing the piano. I am proud of this talent because I worked hard to learn it. I only play a few songs but I still practiced hard on them. My cousin is the one who taught me and I am very happy she did because learning it is really fun.

  27. I have been drawing ever since I was like 4? well. very young but I have always loved it and it is good to let out all of your ideas amazing for fun and drawing whatever you like. you can do projects with it. I have boxes and boxes of markers to use that I have gathered over the years. and one day I will be able to draw an ear correctly

  28. One talent I have is being able to withstand uncomfortable heats. For example, I have gone to the Philippines and stayed for around 2 or 3 weeks in summer with unbearable heats like 100 and 90+. I am proud of this due to the fact it helps me bear a sunny day while jogging long distances since I have adapted to the Philippines.

    1. I like what Jacob said because being able to withstand that heat could save you from some medical conditions like a heat stroke and a heat stroke could be dangerous depending how severe it is.

  29. A talent I have is being good at sports. I am proud of it because I can officially say im good at it and it gets me more athletic.

  30. The talent that I’m really good at singing in other languages that are not in English, I am still practicing with singing with other languages, for example, if it’s in Korean, I could practice for 4 or 5 days to practice, also if the song is in Finnish, it can take up for me to practice is 6 or 7 days, and other languages it depends on what day also. That’s all 🙂 !

    1. I love singing in Korean it’s one of my favorite things to do.But I don’t practice I will already know it,Because that’s how my brain works.

  31. well I don’t really have a lot of talents but if I had to choose, for me it would be i know how to sew and I sewed my stuffed animal monkey randy clothes and other items such as shirts, pants, socks, shoes and that’s it. even thought its not a talent or maybe it is I don’t know I still like doing what I do and I should be proud I know how to sew things.

  32. A talent that I have is playing soccer. Last year was my first time playing soccer on a team and I did pretty good even though there were a lot of good players and I learned it pretty quickly.

  33. A talent I have is being really good at engineering (I can make many things with just motors wood and lights) and i’m fast

    1. I agree with Noah because my first time when I played soccer believe it or not I would have usually stand there confused but now I run around dribbling and I’m able to do good shots.

    1. I agree with Adrian because I have a talent in soccer too and I am pretty good and half back in soccer and also played soccer for 4 years.

  34. I´m proud that i can play a gutaer because i can play music and wan i started it was hard but i played and i played and i got it its not that hared wan you get it.

  35. One talent I have is playing soccer. I love this talent because soccer is fun and anyone can play with just a random ball. I started playing when I was around seven or eight. I am proud because I have played in around 10 or more teams and I am getting better every day. One day I hope to be a d1 soccer athlete.

  36. My talent is baseball I’m not too good at it but I get better every time I swing the bat. And also I play after school, a few issues with spelling and I fixed it in this new comment.

  37. Another talent I have is being playing sports. I really like sports and they are fun and it’s good for you to be outside.

  38. One talent i have is learning quickly.I am proud of it because I have been play a game for a year and I can do every thing and it usually takes people 3 or 2 years to learn how to do most of the stuff the game is called gorilla tag btw.

  39. I am really good at crafting stuff. Tell me to make it and i will do it! I love to do it 247 and why do I like it? well it keeps me motivated and calm even tho I have burned myself with a hot glue gun It makes me feel comfortable and safe. I also like baseball I haven’t been playing it much but its definitely a good game to play when there are a lot of people and on rainy days.

  40. Sculpting with clay is one of my absolute favorite hobbies! It’s like I can turn a plain ball of clay into anything I imagine, from cute animals to pretty flowers. My hands get sticky or messy sometimes, but I don’t mind at all. I feel super happy when I finish a piece and get to show it to my friends. I mainly create these sculptures as gifts for them. It’s amazing how something so simple can make me feel like an artist! Just recently, I made a hello kitty sculpture for my best friend’s birthday gift. She loved how it turned out and was very fond. I hope I can improve my skills and get into something more immense like pottery.

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